Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Name: Ng Li Hui
Birthday: 060994
Age: 15
Nicknames: Leehwee/Pineapple
Zodiac sign: Dog PUPPY!
Sex: Female

Your best friends: Fish Fishie Phang
Craziest: FISHIE PHANG!!!!!
Cutest: Yunmin!!
Friend with the best hair: Jiayun!! Best hair in class. :>
Friend you trust with all your secrets: Hmm I don't really have any secrets.
Most understanding: Siao, all 6 (Fish/Amd/PK/Park/YM/Fiona) damn understanding one plz.

Last friend you went to the movies with: Oooh I went to watch My Sister's Keeper with Fishie!! I think it was on 10 Nov, after Chinese O's. GOSH, IT'S BEEN SO LONG!!!
Happiest: I think Puikay?? The rest all seem to be angry/emo at times. Puikay seems like she has no problems HAHAHA.
Funniest: That's hard. All 6 are mad hilarious!! Love them. :D
Weirdest: Uh. Uhm. That's tough too! All of them are weird!
Scariest: FIONA!!!!! She's the scariest when she's angry, imo.
Most outgoing: I'd say Yunmin cus she's really really friendly. I remember how she helped Puikay during S2 Leadership Camp when we didn't even know each other!!

Spends the night at your house the most: Nobody slept over @ my house before. Hehehe.
Has the cutest brother/sister: Nobody la!! They don't have siblings who are like 7 or below. Heheheh! :P
Friend you would most likely die for: Nobody. I love my life too much HAHA. I won't die for them but I would save them and myself!! (rock)
Facebooks you the most: ....None?
Texts you the most: Amanda?? She doesn't even text me a lot. :x

Do you have any tattoos? If so, what of?: Nope, no tattoos.
What’s the last thing you bought?: Golden Deal 1 (3 pc chicken) @ LJS hahaha.
Do you have a job? If so, where?: Unemployed.
What was your most embarrassing moment?: I hugged a stranger whom I thought was my dad when I was younger. :x
Last 4 digits of the last phone you dialed: I don't remember.
What is in your pockets right now?: Nothing. No pockets.
What was the happiest moment in your life?: I haven't had the happiest moment in my life yet.

Have you ever egged a house?: What's egging an house? I doubt so?
Who is your role model?: My momma!!
What’s your favorite holiday?: Chinese New Year. ^^ Though the short no-school-holiday, YOU GOTTA LOVE THE FOOD!!!!!!! When is the last time you stayed up all night?: I think 2 years ago, during S1 Infocomm Chalet?
What is your favorite book?: Deception Point. :)
Who is your favorite author?: Don't have one cus I don't read much. :x
Where did you have your last birthday party?: I haven't had a birthday party before. Mad sad riiiight.
Who came?: - Who has changed your life the most for the better?: Like, drastically? Nobody. If slightly, too many to name/remember.
What’s your favorite song?: Don't have one. Jay Chou has too many awesome songs.
What’s your favorite cd?: 七里香 by Jay Chou.
What are your favorite pizza toppings?: Chicken. HAHAHA. Hmm. I like Ocean's Catch from Pizza Hut. Where do you order pizza from the most?: Pizza Hut.

Have you ever been in the hospital for more than a day?: Ya. When I was born and when I fractured my arm 8 years ago.
How many days is your record for time spent in a hospital?: 4 days I think? Stayed in the hospital for 4 days when I was born cus I had jaundice. :(
Why did you have to go to the hospital?: Yeeeeeeeeears.
How long has it been since you went to the mall?: Just went earlier this evening for dinner. Yums, love Thai food!!
What’s the last movie you saw in a theater?: Should be 2012.

What’s the last movie you rented?: I don't rent movies.
Do you like to write poetry?: NOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Do you like to read poetry?: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Have you ever written a song?: Nah. I'm not Teddy! :P
After you read it to yourself did it sound stupid?: -

What’s your favorite band?: 2NE1!!!!!!!!!!! (L) (K) (L)
Who is your favorite solo singer?: JAY CHOU!!!!!!!!!!! (L) (L) (L)
If you suffocate a smurf, what color does he turn?: ............Green?
Do you believe in ghosts?: Yes. OMGGGGGGGGGGGG. Creepy.
Have you ever seen a ghost?: Er...kind of??

What is your favorite ride at the fair?: Don't have one.
What is your favorite inside joke you have with a friend?: Woah, I have a lot of inside jokes with my friends so I can't pick a favourite.
Name the people who know and understand that inside joke: -
Have you ever thrown a party in which complete strangers have attended?: Nope.
Was there a guy named True there?: -
Would you ever name your kid True?: No. It's stuuuuuuuuuupid.
Would you make fun of someone if you knew their name was True?: Ya. Especially when we play Truth or Dare. :x

Do you look more like your mom or your dad?: When I was young, everyone said I looked like my dad. Recently, people said I look like my mum. So I really have no idea.
Are you an only child?: Nope.
Do you have any brothers or sisters?: 2 elder sisters.
Their name?: Pixie and Pinxie. HAHA. Kidding. But that's what I call them.
Their ages?: 18 and 19 this year.

What color is your computer?: Black.
What is your favorite color of ink to write in?: Black. I think.
Would you rather write in pen or pencil?: Pen.
How tall are you?: 155cm. So tall!! :D
What’s your name again?: Awesome Ng.

Do you believe in God?: Not really..
Do you pray often?: No.
What’s your biggest fear?: Dark, I'd say. Don't ask me how I sleep, really.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Nope. LUST AT FIRST SIGHT, yesssssss.
Have you ever been in a car accident?: My dad's a great driver. :P
Who was driving?: -
Did anybody not survive?: -
What is your lucky number?: I don't have a lucky number.

Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?: Used to believe. Until I found my tooth still under my pillow the next day. ARE YOU THAT BUSY, TOOTH FAIRY?!?!
Does the tooth fairy still give you money?: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid fairy. I bet you died!
If so, did someone knock out your teeth?: o.o No.
Who is your favorite family member?: Momma! :))))
What is your favorite breed of dog?: Don't have one.
What is your favorite name for a dog?: Hmm. I can't even think of a name for a dog now.
What is your favorite name for a cat?: Ehhhhhhhhh Meowmeow HAHAHA. So gay. But I love that sound.

Have you ever been drunk?: No. I hate alcohol. :S
Have you ever gotten high?: On alcohol, no. On sugar, yes. HAHA.
Have you ever been on the radio?: No.
Have you ever been on TV?: Maybe??? Hahaha. I doubt so.
Have you ever been in a movie?: I wish! With Jay Chou~~ Acting in a romance film. HEHE!!
Who is your favorite actress?: Tavia Yeung.
Who is your favorite actor?: JAY CHOU *bias*

Do you have a cellphone?: Duh. But I live my life as though I don't have one.
Do you have a pager?: I wouldn't mind one.
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?: Hitting my sister's head with a recorder when I was young? I don't know.
Why are all the fun things illegal?: No way man.
What’s your favorite quote?: "It is important to live each day with a positive perspective. It is not wise to pretend problems do not exist, but it is wise to look beyond the problem to the possibilities that are in it. When Goliath came against the Isrelites, the soldiers all thought, "He's so big, we can never kill him." But David looked at the same giant and thought, "He is so big, I can't miss him."~ Dr. Dale E. Turner
Really long quote. But I like it.

What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?: Strawberry!
Who is your favorite person to talk to offline?: Fishie?
Who is your favorite person to talk to online?: Fishie!! We can talk about fandom, about our lives, about everything! :D
Who do you wish you were talking to right now?: Nobody actually. I just wish I'll get really sleepy soon so I can sleep. :x
Do you have any nicknames that you liked that your friends no longer use?: No.

Who is your hero?: No hero.
What do you think of racism?: You can't expect everyone to be saints and think everyone's equal. It's impossible.
Are you racist?: Nope. Like what Mrs Chng said, most of us are just prejudiced.
What is your favorite day of the week?: I don't have one. :( But I think Sunday? I usually get to eat good food on Sundays. :D
What is your least favorite day of the week?: Monday?? Tuesday??? I think Wednesday.

Do you like rain?: Yuck. I hate the smell, I hate the sight, I hate the feel, I hate rain.
Do you think lightning is awesome?: I think it's amazing. Not awesome. Yet.
What is your favorite word?: AWESOME. (rock)
If you could visit any country, where would you go?: Japan!!! Or USA. I can't make up my mind.
How long would you want to stay?: Not too long. If Japan, about a month would be fine but in USA, 2 weeks? Cus I'll get damn sick of western food.
Who would you want to take with you?: My family. :)

How old do you act?: 3?
How old is your best friend: 15!
How old does your best friend act?: Sometimes 30, sometimes 15, sometimes 5.
When you were young what did you want to be when you grew up?: Teacher. HAHAHA. I think most people aspired to be teachers when they were really really young.
What do you want to be now?: Taitai lor!
Do you think you were an adorable little kid?: DUH.
What were the names of your imaginary friends?: Harry!! I still remember him. He's super small. I remember Tom & Dick too. Omg Esther hahahaha.

Do you have any pennies sitting on your computer desk?: Nope.
What is the most unique thing about your bedroom?: It's...big?
Do you have a black light?: Nope.
Do you have a strobe light?: Nope.
Do you have glow-in-the-dark stars?: Used to.
Do you have anything that glows in the dark?: I don't think so. I wanna get glow in the dark nail polish! Hahaha.

What color is your pillow case?: I really can't remember.
What is your favorite thing to wear to bed?: Huge comfy cotton tee + FBTs.
Do you like Pepsi or Coke better?: Coke.
Can you tell a difference?: No. I think they taste the same?? But I just prefer Coke.
What are you thinking about right now?: Why is my shoulder aching?
What is your favorite song to listen to when you are mad?: Any Jay or 2NE1 songs, really.
What is the last song you listened to?: Ring Ding Dong - SHINee. Actually I just keep replaying the MV to see Jonghyun!! ♥
What is your favorite movie?: Secret. :)
What is your dream car?: I don't really care about cars...
How many times have you had the chicken pox?: Once. Don't you only have chicken pox once in your life? Or never?
When was the last time you brushed your teeth?: About 1.5 hours ago.
What is your middle name?: Awesome. :P

Other Stuff

What is your favorite emotion?: :D
What is your favorite TV show?: Uh. Currently still Gong Xin Ji hehe.
What is the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard somebody say?: OHMYGOD. So many!!!! But I can't say here cus......................
How many cds do you own?: Wa, a lot! But I don't listen to CDs so they are all collecting dust somewhere in the house.
When you go to the movies do you throw stuff at people?: For what? No la!
When you go to the movies do you throw stuff at the movie screen?: No. Usually I sit at the back. My arm isn't that strong.
How many times have you been kicked out of the movies?: Zero. Pay $6 and get kicked out? Not worth it.
Have you ever been kicked out of a grocery store?: Zero.

What annoys you the most?: Can't think of any right now. Many things annoy me.
Who annoys you the most?: Hmm. My elder sister when she's a bitch. Like just now.
Do you know any fake people?: Maybe I'm being deceived or maybe I just don't know any. :)
What are their names?: -
Where did you meet them?: -
How long have you known them?: -
Did you ever want to smack them?: -
Did you ever smack them?: -

What’s your favorite season?: Spring!
What’s your favorite subject in school?: Geography!! :D
What’s your least favorite subject in school?: Chemistry. :<
Who is your all-time favorite teacher?: MR JAMES AWESOME KOH!!!!!!!!!
What school do you go to?: Nan Hua High School
What is the mascot at your school?: Do we even have a mascot? Oh, right, we do, the yellow thing right. Nah, nobody.
What grade are you in?: Secondary 3 = Grade ?
What grade are you supposed to be in?: Secondary 3.

What is your favorite song?: Don't have one.
What song reminds you of yourself?: Er. No song.
What is your best friend’s birthday?: 28 Feb!
What is your favorite flavor of skittles?: All taste the same to me. :x
Would you rather have friendship or love?: Friendship. :)
What makes you nervous?: Going for an interview.

Describe yourself in five words: Awesome, shy, anti-social, love friends
If you knew the truth was gonna hurt you would you still wanna hear it?: It really depends on the situation/what truth it is. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss but sometimes, knowing more is better.
Do long distance relationships work?: Imo, no.
Would you change yourself to make someone else happy?: If that someone is important to me, why not?
What one thing makes you happy?: Eating yummy food.

What phrase or saying do you use the most?: "I don't know."
What’s your favorite scary movie?: Eek! Don't have one.
What would you do with a million dollars?: Save it uppppp.
If your house was burning down and you could only take one thing with you, what would you take?: One thing? That tough. A million dollar note? HAHAHA.

Were you shocked when you heard Princess Diana died?: No. o.o
Who is the biggest flirt you know?: Hahahahahahaahahahaa I can't say here, so mean! :x
Do they ever flirt with your crush?: No. I don't have a crush.
Do you ever want to hurt them?: For what??
Do they know you like that person?: -
Are you glad this survey is over?: YA. MY SHOULDER IS ACHING HAHA.