Monday, November 16, 2009

We all know your name. We all know your birthday, what color your eyes are, what your favorite food is. I’m not going to ask those dumb questions. Instead…

Any names your parents were thinking about that you would prefer?
Nope, not any that I know of.

If you had to pick one outfit that you currently own to wear for the rest of your life, what would it consist of?

That's tough. My favourite top + a pair of loose skinny jeans in case I get fat and it gets cold. I could alter them into a pair of shorts if I get bored of the jeans anyway.

What do you think is going to happen to you after you die?

Everyone's world will come crumbling down. Kidding. After I die, everything's gonna be pretty much the same? I have no idea. -..-

What TV show have you seen every episode of?

Many many many.

What movie can you quote every line to?

None. I can't even remember every single word in Secret.

What bands have you seen in concert?

None. How annoying.

What bands would you like to see in concert?

Hmm. 2NE1, Super Junior and Big Bang!!!!! That'd be a-m-a-z-i-n-g.

If you had the money to retire anywhere in the world, where would you go?

New Zealand. It's really peaceful there.

Is there a piece of jewelry or something similar that if you lost, you would feel naked?


What is one thing (appearance-wise or other) you would change about yourself?


One thing you would change about your best friend?

*casts a spell* Great, now she's less emotional/more cheerful.

Everyone remembers their first birthday party that involved friends. Describe yours.


What do you think is the perfect age and why?

Before you understand what's going on in the world. When your family was all you had. Like from 0-3?

If you could go back in time and change your first kiss, would you?


How many times have you said “I love you” to someone of the opposite sex (romantically) and meant it?

I don't count.

How many times have you said it and not meant it?

How many people actually count?

Which member of your family has the biggest influence on your life?

Mummyyyyyy. I think. :)

If you won a $1,000 shopping spree to one store, what store would you want it to be?

I DON'T KNOW. I don't even know of that many brands around. Topshop? Lol Idk.
Comic. Hmm. I don't have any.

What do you think this phrase means: “I am drearily bloodletting this bedwetting cosmonaut”?

"I am going to wet my bed."?

If you could go back in time and relive one memory – relive it, not change it – what memory would it be?

Can't think of any right now. Many I don't have any memories worth reliving lol.

How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?

I never really learnt how to ride a bike. I just knew how to when I got on so I can't remember how old I was. One thing for sure: was younger than 7.

Who taught you?

Myself muahaha.

When you go to the movies, do you like to get candy or popcorn?


Describe the first real party you ever went to (i.e. first party with alcohol).

I've never been to a party. -_-

If you’ve never been to one, explain why not.

I AM NOT 18. And I'm more interested in Scrabble.

Did/do you like high school? Why or why not?

I like it. :) It's fun w all my friends around!

Do you have ONE best friend, who stands out among all the others, that’s been there for you seemingly forever?

All my friends are always there for me. :))))))

If so, who is it?


If not, do you prefer having just a group of good friends, or would you like to have that one best friend?

Do you prefer the sound of electric, acoustic, or steel guitar?

I like all 3.

Have you ever read the Bible – even just a little part of it?

Nah. I hate reading.

Have you ever read the Koran?


What was the best pet you’ve ever had?

The only type of pets I've ever had my whole life is FISH. They. Are. So. Boring.

Out of all the states you’ve visited/lived in, which is your favorite?


Do you enjoy jigsaw puzzles?

HELL YESSSSS!!!!!! My friends want to see me complete a jigsaw puzzle because they think I CAN'T DO IT but YES I CAN AND I DO THEM ALMOST EVERY HOLIDAY WITH MY MUM/SISTER.

If you were allowed one murder without punishment, would you do it?

Yes. Maybe not. I don't know.

Where do you keep your wallet when you’re out and about?

Bag. Do you think I'll stuff it in my mouth?

Have you ever seen a ghost?


How about seen things happen that you think were caused by a ghost?


Did you have Beanie Babies as a kid?

What the hell are Beanie Babies?

Did you have tag protectors for their tags, or did you just rip the tags off?

I don't ... rip them off. I cut them with a scissors.

Do you prefer stripes or polka dots?

Depends on the whole object. I like both anyway.

What’s the best Christmas present you ever received?

TABLE SOCCER. I still have it in the storeroom whoohoo!!

Which of your birthdays was the most memorable?

First one. When I just came out from my mummy. Though it's not exactly 'memorable' since I can't remember. But definitely memorable for my parents, right?

Name one song you can play on an instrument – any instrument.


Who taught you to play that song?

Fiona!!! :D

Out of all the teachers you’ve had, who had the biggest influence on you?

Mrs Dadwall. She was an amazing teacher.

Have you ever ridden on a motorcycle?

No and I'm not exactly excited to try it.

How about a moped?


When you were little, what was your favorite Disney movie?

Never really had any interest in Disney since young.

What’s your favorite Disney movie now?

Don't have one. Cus I don't watch any.

On the opposite sex, do you prefer muscles, average size, or scrawny bodies?

Average size. The other 2 are plain GROSS. :&

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received from a significant other?

Jay Chou handphone strap. It's the first gift and still on my phone though it's dirty and spoiling and the Jay figurine dropped a few times already.

What’s your favorite kind of chips?

Like, flavour? HOT AND SPICY. :D

That you know of, do you have any famous ancestors?


Did you ever beg your parents for a pony?

No. I'll probably be begging them a year later for a hamster though.

Would you rather be blind or deaf?

Neither. T.T Deaf I guess. (Omg I typed it as 'dead')

Is there someone you’ve been enemies with since you were little, and it’s never changed despite growing up and becoming more mature?

Not exactly. Can barely remember the names & faces of my Secondary school friends.

What laundry soap do you think smells the best?

The kind my family uses. :D

Do you prefer Spongebob or Patrick?

Spongebob. Because I can (kinda) imitate his laughter. Patrick's voice is too low, I hate it.

If you’re currently dating someone, would you be ready to elope with them right now if they asked?
No. I don't think we need to elope.

If you’re not dating someone, can you think of one person that you would elope with right now if they asked?

Who do you think is the hottest actor/actress in Hollywood right now?
I don't care~~~~~

Do you watch The Office?

If you don’t, have you at least seen one episode?

If you haven’t, are you aware that you should be brutally punished?
Not aware. And I don't think I should be.

What’s the stupidest TV show on the air right now?
Have you ever written a song or a poem?
Yes. Annoying Literature.

If you have, have you ever written a song or a poem for someone?
Yes for Ms Seto & Ms Edwards.

Last but not least, type some funny or inspiring lyrics as a closing:
怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢 我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了
Just cus I heard this before I left home this morning. (It's not funny, neither is it inspiring tho)