Saturday, June 20, 2009

From the shining starrrr

1. Real name : NG LI HUI!!!!
2. Nickname : leehwee/pineapplehui
3. Star sign : Virgo. But I'm not a perfectionist kthxb.
4. Male or female : Female
5. Primary school : Rulang Primary School
6. Secondary school : Nanhua High
8. Hair color : Azn black 8)
10. Loud or Quiet : Wahahaha. Quiet!! When I'm tired or around strangers, that is.
11. Sweats or Jeans : None lololol.
12. Phone or camera : Phone. Cus phone also have camera! Though the camera sucks. Unless you're talking about those w >5 megapixels one.
13. Health freak : HA. HA. Never.
14. Drink or smoke : Yay neither!! Am healthier than all you idiots who get drunk and smoke your life away!!
15. Do you have a crush on someone : Nope. Don't think I am heavy enough to crush anyone. :p
16. Eat or drink : Drink. Cus I'll be able to survive longer drinking than eating.
17. Piercings : One pair
18. Tattoos : Not a single one, not brave enough to endure the pain

Have you ever :
19. Been in an airplane : Duhz
20. Been in a relationship: Yesss
21. Been in a car accident : Nope, 福大命大. Not saying that you will die everytime you get into an accident though.
22. Been in a fist fight : I'll definitely K.O. after a punch lolol.

Firsts :
23. First piercing : 19 December 2008!!!!!!!!!!
24. First best friend : ..........cannot remember. The earliest I can remember is Jaserina from P2. :)))))
25. First award : Cannot remember ah~~~~~
26. First Crush : K2 haha. :x The guy lived really near me. I still remember his name, ANDY!!!!!! He moved away in the same year though. -..- (I moved house when I was in K2 so yea, my first year at that kindergarten)
27. First Vacation : Lol I cannot remember. I think even before I turned 5, I had been to M'sia already?

Lasts :
28. Last person you talked to : ......I cannot remember. I seldom talk at home these days. *turning into an introvert*
29. Last person you texted to : Zhengdaaaa
30. Last person(s) you watched a movie with : Myself. At home. In front of the computer. I think. HAHA.
31. Last food you ate : Corn!!!!! In cup corn style *mega fail btw, if you wanted to know)
32. Last movie you watched : Been eons since I last watched a frickin' movie.
34. Last song you listened to : Lol Idk closed iTunes some time ago.
35. Last thing you bought : McDonald's Mcwings hahaha. $4.50 meal. Never gonna buy it ever again man. KFC owns, srs.
36. Last person you hugged : Hahaha who else?

38. Drinks : Strawberry and soy milk. Not bad, I like drinks w lots of calcium. 8D
39. Clothing : Oversized T-shirts, very comfyyy. But my clothes are mostly the fitting kind.
40. Books : Geography textbook HAHAHAHA. Cus it's the only book I read.
41. Song : Woah a lot!!!! JAY CHOU!!!!!
42. Flower : I. Hate. Flowers. Wlao I was watering the plants one afternoon then some orange pollen got onto my hand and I freaked out, YUCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!
43. Colors : Pink XD
44. Movies : Secretttt
45. Phrase: (It changes every now and then but currently my 'favourite' phrase word is) r-e-t-a-r-d-e-d
46. Subjects: GEOGRAPHY! Hahaha how expected riiiight.

You ever done before:
47. Kissed in the snow : I've only seen snow once!!!!!!
48. Celebrated Halloween : "TRICK OR TREAT!!!!!" Nah.
49. Had your heart broken : I just did this in the previous quiz la!!!! What's wrong with the people who come up with these. Anyway, NO.
50. Went over the minutes on your cell phone : Not...exactly.
51. Someone questioned your sexual orientation : Nobody questioned but a teacher in my primary school called me,"BOY." TMD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
52. Came out of the closest : Ya. Hahaha. After I got caught in hide and seek.
53. Gotten pregnant : Nopezx hahaha. I'm quite scared of pregnancy actlly. Minus the child, I'd get fatter by what, probably 20kg?!?!
54. Had an abortion : Ew no!!
55. Done something you've regretted : OBVIOUSLY
56. Broke a promise : Yea..
57. Hid a secret : Uh huh.
58. Pretended to be happy : DUH.
59. Met someone who changed your life : More than just one, in fact.
60. Pretended to be sick : HAHAHA MAYBE??? I cannot remember. But I don't think so la. I rarely fall sick, don't even know the symptons how to pretend?
61. Left the country : Yaaaaa
62. Tried something you normally wouldn't try & liked it : Ya like minestrone soup. Hahaha sorry very thirsty now.
63. Cried over some silliest thing : Hahaha ya why not! I once woke up in the night and started crying.
64. Ran a mile : Ya. Since like..the first ever year we started NAPFA.
65. Went to the beach with your best friend(s) : Yup!! Went Sentosa and ECP w Fishhhie before haha. Together w PK and Amd too. :)
66. Stay single the whole year : I had been single from the day I was born till 14 Feb 2008 actlly.

67. Eating : Nope
68. Drinking : Nope. Just finished my chocolate milk.
69. I'm about ton : Wazzat???
70. Listening to : BBF OST cus my sister is watching it on Channel U although she finished it online already.
71. Plans for tomorrow : Do *some* work and FETCH MY MUMMY FROM AIRPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
72. Waiting for : Nothing.
73. Want kids : Ya ya ya ya!!!!!! I'm like, starting to think of their names already HAHA.
74. Want to get married : YESSSS!!!! It's like, a MUST for me.
75. Careers in mind : None. Unless you count being a housewife one.
76. Which is better, Girl/Boy : SAMESAME LA. Girls have the advantage in some stuff, guys for others.

I'll just fill this in as what you look for in a guy:
77. Lips or eyes : Actlly neither. But eyes, I guess?
78. Shorter or taller : Taller.
79. Romantic or spontaneous : Both!!! :D
80. Nice stomach or nice arms : NEITHER.
81. Sensitive or loud : Bothhhhh.
82. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship.
83. Trouble-maker or hesistant : Hesistant.

Have you ever:
84. Lost glasses/contacts : Nope, but I broke my specs before though hahahahaha
85. Ran away from home : Nah. I'd probably die within an hour. HAHA. Sadly, I am not independent at all.
86. Hold a gun or knife for self defense : Not for self-defense. HAHAHA. I have violence tendencies. Ok, USED to.
87. Killed somebody : Nah, not brave enough to.
88. Broken someone's heart : I have no idea la k, also not my heart how I know break already not.
89. Been arrested : Nah, good citizen kkkz.
90. Cried when someone died : In TV shows, counted? Hahaha.

Do you believe in:
91. Yourself : HELL YEAHH!!!!!! But I have no self-discipline shitz.
92. Miracles: Yessss.
93. Love at first sight : Nope. It's just bullshit.
94. Heaven : Ya hahah.
95. Santa Claus : No. Never heard of Santa Claus coming to Asia HMPF!!!
96. Sex on the first date : Nay, this is SG, not those western countries.
97. Kiss on the first date : Why not? There's nothing wrong w kissing.
98. Is there one person you want to be with right now : Hmm....
99. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life : Why not? :D Am an optimist. Kind of.
100. This is the 100th & last question : YAY OK I AM GONNA LOOK FOR DRINKABLE LIQUIDSSSSS.