Friday, July 17, 2009

Has a boy ever let you wear his jacket? Who's that boy in your life?
Haha why not!! Lowzd!! :)))) All the time cus I cannot stand cold at all.

Is there stuff from your past that you miss doing?
PLAYING HOPSCOTCH WITH CHRISTINE FOR THE WHOLE AFTERNOON!! :(((( Wlao shit you Amanda and PK, keep asking me about the things in my primary school because of Christine!

What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Uhhhhhhhm. Using the Macbook(using desktop now) to Plurk I think.

Has anyone ever called you in the middle of the night just to hear your voice ?
LOL I DON'T THINK SO. Middle of the night = I sleep already = Idk?!?! Anyway I hope nobody does this I think I will kill you for interrupting my sleep.

What is the last thing you yelled aloud?
I yell so often/much that I don't remember what was the last thing I yelled aloud!

What are you wearing right now?
Tshirt and shorts.

What was the last thing you ate?
Riiiiiice. Oh wait no, chicken!!

Have you bought any new clothing items this week?
HMM. I think no?

If you could go anywhere in the world , where would you go?
Japannnnnnn! *salivates at the thought of FOOD*

Do you use smiley faces on the computer?

What are you doing tomorrow?
Stay. Home. Saturday. Because my parents are unhappy with me not concentrating on my studies. (But the thing is, I forgot to bring home textbooks of the 4 subjects I have to study for.)

Where is your mom right now?
Not at home, just went out for a walk w my dad. (So sweet right!!)

Who can always make you cry?

Do you have a dog?
No. But I waaaaaaaant! :(

Have you met anyone famous?
Mediacorp artiste...counted?

Are you happy?
Yepxzxz. 8)))))

How do you express jealousy?
Be :(((((((((( + >:((((((((((((

Do you hate anyone right now?
Yes omg porkface superglue x-man bitchface omggggggz.

Do you use the word ' hello ' daily?
No. Cus when I stay at home, I don't use them. Unless I need to call someone, which happens damn rarely. Maybe once or twice a year.

How many best friends do you have of the same sex?
BESSSSST friend, 1, Fishie!! I think I have a lot a lot a lot of damn good friends of the same sex hehe. ^^

What about best friends from the opposite sex?
Hmm. I don't think I have any BEST friends from the opposite sex.

What do you want at the moment?
Coke. Omg wts why am I thinking of this!!! Ok lemme think again... Coke. *facepalm*

Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow?
HAH. Obviously not.

If you could change your eye color would you?
No. I don't really care about eye colour. I won't see it anyway.

What are you listening to at the moment?
Sorry, Sorry Japanese version!! :D

Who did you last get into a big argument with?
............... I don't know leh.