Monday, February 16, 2009

Last year have you..
1. Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships?
Was in one, the same one till now.
2. Have you had your birthday?
3. Cried yet?
*nods head profusely*
4. Pulled an all nighter?
Last year...think not. If you were to ask me about 2007, I'll say yes haha.
5. Drank Starbucks?
Yea. Once. At NZ lol.
6. Went shopping?
Yep. I think last year was the year that I bought the most number of clothes so far.
7. Been camping?
Yes..Leadership Camp which I miss quite a bit because I was really bony when I got out. :P
8. Been to the beach?
Sentosa for class outing! Hahaha omg only once.
9. Bought something for over $200?
Yea..Macbook, NZ stuff and Idk what else.
10. Met someone new?
Yes of course! :)
11. Out of province?
Yea I went NZ. And only NZ.
12. Gone Snowboarding?
Nope. I don't want to experience the snow, ever. So coldddd, ew.

Have you ever..

1. Hugged someone?
Of course! Hahaha.
2. Slept in someone elses bed?
Aloha Loyang's bed. My sister's bed. My parents' bed. And does lying on Eveline's bed count?
3. Snuck someone over?
Nah. Why would I need to?
4. Snuck out of your own house?
No need to.
5. Lied?
6. Gone over your cell phone bill?
Not really.
7. Been called a bitch?
Of course. Am a bitch. I call myself a fat bitch all the time haha.
8. Drove somewhere?
Noooo I don't think I'll ever have the courage to drive.
9. Done something you regret?


Last thing you bought?
Hmm... drink for Food Junction yesterday. Am so awesome for surviving today without spending a single cent. Except for transportation, though.
Last person that called you?
My eldest sister.
Last time you took a shower?
About an hour ago?
When was the last time you felt stupid?
Not very long ago. :x
Who did you last yell at?
Hmm... I can't remember.
What did you do today?
Do Maths and formal letter. And pay attention during lessons, especially Geography wahahaha. :D

GLim told me Mr Fonseka didn't come to school today. And there wasn't any English lessons today. So unlucky! Hahaha. Why can't he not come to school on Wednesdays or Fridays? Double and triple English periods are killers.

And I absolutely love Geography! I am relating every trivial thing in life with Geography. Especially now that we have finished natural vegatation and is halfway through rivers. Awesome. I'm sure anyone who talks to me will know I'm a Geography student. :P There's just so much so much more for me to learn about this awesome world. Wanna take up Geography in JC, like my sister! 8) Am just a little afraid I'll not be up to the standard. But I am so not looking forward to learning Human Geography. Physical Geography ftw!!

K ta! Shall go pester Zhengda for my DotA game. :P