Friday, February 13, 2009

From Yvonne!

01. Has it ever snowed on Christmas?
In Singapore? You can wait.

02. Do you like bright colors?
Yessss. Reminds me of Infocomm Club flag on CCAE! :D

03. What's your favourite animal?
Cats! I like pets. Puppies, kitties, hamsters, rabbits etc. BUT NOT FISH.

04. What's your favourite font?
Probably Times New Roman.

05. Have you played Spin The Bottle?
Is it something like Truth or Dare? If yes, yes.

06. If so, who did you end up kissing?

07. How many hours do you usually sleep?
Seven. I can barely survive with that though. That's why weekends and holidays are awesome.

08. Do you have any piercings?
ONE on my right ear. So cool right. Ha ha. I think not. -..-

09. What kind of printer do you have?
3 in 1 printer? Scanner + Printer + Photocopier. Or is it asking for brand. o.o

10. Have you been so dizzy you fell down?
Yes haha during OC. That was my first time. And possibly my last.

11. Do you like to go outside or stay inside?
I like to go outdoors cus I love the sun like that. But I like to stay at home, too.

12. What do you usually do inside?
Sleep? o.o

13. What do you usually do outside?
The questions for this quiz is rather ambiguous....

14. Who do you usually spend the most time with, besides family?
My fwenzzzzzz. Especially my classmates. :)

15. Do you know what hypochondriac means without looking it up?
Not at all.

16. Do you ever wonder how you're gonna die?
Uh huh. Makes me sound like a pessimist. o.o

17. How do you think you're gonna die?
Most possibly by cancer. Or heart attack.

18. What color is your shower curtain?
Don't have one. I have a glass door separating the shower cubicle from the sinks, toilet bowl and bath tub.

19. What color is your house?
White. And tons of other colours too. But mainly white anyway.

20. What color is your car or your parent's car?

21. What is something you've been thinking a lot about today?
Today............... I thought a lot about tomorrow. :D

22. Do you drink alcohol?
I haaaaate alcoholic drinks!

23. What about coffee drinks?
Yup yup.

24. Are you addicted to caffeine?

25. Write something here that may be an inside joke or something someone reading this wouldn't understand.
LUCY JIAYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

26. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
I don't watch any angmohz shows other than Gossip Girl. I'm always too lazy to watch shows but have tons on my to-watch-list anyway. :/

27. Did you want Yang & Burke to get married?
Are those two like, from Grey's Anatomy?

28. What TV show do you like but don't get to watch often?
Gossip Girl.

29. Would you like to be on Deal Or No Deal?

30. Do you think you can win the million dollars?
No I haven't been born very lucky.

31. Which case would you pick?
Is there a 13??

32. Have you ever watched The Phantom Of The Opera?

33. Do you think Finding Nemo is too popular?
No! I think it's cute! I watched it.....6 times?

34.Which ice cream flavour do you like most?
HOKEYPOKEY OMG I MISS NEWZEALAND SOOOOO MUCH. But in SG, I'll just settle for strawberry.

35. How do you like your meat?
Cooked and edible, tyvm.

36. What pizza place do you prefer?
No preference, as long as it's good, I'll like it.

37. Do you say y'all?

38. Pick a foreign country.

39. What do you like about that country?
Many many things. The cleanliness, the TV shows, the clothes(not those lolita sort though), the cutiepies, the celebs etc.

40. Have you ever been there?
Sadly, NO. ):

41. Do you wear sunglasses a lot?
Speckkys + Sunnies = No match.

42. Do you know that Halloween is a religious holiday?
Yes I do I am not a country bumpkin.

43. Is your family religious & not celebrate Halloween because they think it's "evil"?
My family is not religious. My family does not celebrate Halloween.

44. Do you own any dresses?
Yes. But I've never worn any out. And haven't worn a dress since.......................very long ago.

45. Would you eat a bug for $1,000,000?
Actually I think I would. :x

46. Is anything bothering you now?
Not very much, currently. :)

47. When's the last time you hang out with your #1?
My #1, as in the person I rank first? Just yesterday. ^^

48. Where was your default picture taken?
Default picture on MSN, I shall assume. Taken during OC!

49. Where do you get your layout on Xanga?
I don't have a Xanga. Ok actually I do but I've abandoned it. I got my layout somewhere on Xanga, can't remember.

50. What can you hear?
Sound of me punching the buttons on the keyboard and We Got Married.

51. What emotion are you feeling now?
*stone-mode* + anticipation + a little sleepy

53. Are you a boy or girl?

54. iPod or MP3?
I own an iPod.

55. Have any good jokes?

56. Is there anyone in the same room as you?
My eldest sister.

57. Where are you at?
Study room at home.

58. What's in your closet besides clothes?

59. Find the closest book & turn to page 48. What's the 1st complete sentence?
Tsk, so troublesome. "Complete these two concept maps."

60. Close the book & open it to a random page.
Okay. Page 92. Now what.

61. Favourite season?
Spring-summer! :D

62. What boy's name do you love?
I think the name Zhengda is very nice hahaha. :P

63. Girl's name?
LIHUI!! Awesome name, right!

64. What colours are you wearing right now?
Light blue + navy blue.

65. What food would you like to be eating right now?
Anything but cornflake. But am very thirsty now. Shall go drink carrot juice later.

66. Any compliments today?
I think not. o.o

67. What would you do if a random person came up to you and told you they liked your pants?
Say thanks, obviously. That's basic courtesy! Or maybe,"Thanks a lot. Yours is really awful."

68. Are you happy right now?
What's there not to be happy about! :D

69. Have you ever egged someone's house?

70. Toilet papered it?

71. Ever gone camping?
*nods head profusely*

72. It takes 6-8h for your food to pass from your stomach to small intestine. what would be in your stomach now?
If you realised, the first sentence has absolutely no link to the question. It would be my dinner, cornflakes and chocolate milk.

73. Any allergies?
Not at all!

74. The last time you got flowers was when?
I can't remember! Some time this month I think.

75. Name five of your favourite colours.
HOT PINK!!!!!!!!! Navy blue. Black. White. Lime green.