Saturday, February 28, 2009

1. My friends are...
Awesome. Not all though.
2. I am listening to...
3. Maybe I should learn...
How to be make new friends. -..-
4. I love...
Family, Zhengda, close friends and foooood. :D Haha okay actlly I love tons of stuff.
5. My plan...
Is to go on a diet, save lots of $$$ and fare well for my studies.
6. I don't understand...
Why some people can just ignore the whole world for something. *rolls eyes*
7. I lost...
My patience already.
8. People say...
Jay Chou is awesome ha ha!
9. I am missing...
Low Zheng Da!!!!!!
10. Love means...
Something speciallllllll
11. Somewhere , someone is...
12. I am always searching for...
13. Forever means...
Forever. o.o
14. I never want to...
Be over 50kg.
15. My moblie phone...
Is deranged.
16. When I woke up this morning...
I was damn tired.
17. I get annoyed when...
People piss me off.
18. Parties are...
Uh, this depends on the crowd. But most probably lots of food hahaha. :P
19. Hugs and kisses ?
20. Today I...
21. Tomorrow I will be...
At home.
22. I really want...
Skinny legs.
23. I...
Am very bored now.
24. What is your phone brand?
25. What are the last 3 digits of your phone number?
26. What does the second message in your inbox says?
Lazy to check.
27. Who was the last person you rang?
28. Who was the last missed call from?
29. What is oldest message in your inbox says?
Lazy to check.
30. Who comes aft 'J'?
32. Who is your network provider?
32. How many messages are there in your inbox?
Don't know.
33. Who do you have on speed dial three?
I dont use speed dial.
34. Who's the first person who comes after 'C'?
35. What do you have as your main ringtone?
I don't even switch on vibration now, let alone ringtone.