Sunday, January 4, 2009

Two years ago,
How old were you?
I was 12!

Which school did you go to?
Nan Hua High School, first day of school, I think.

Where did you work?
Nobody would even want a 12 year old girl working for them!

Where did you live?

Where did you hang out?

How was your hair style?
Short, fugly.

Did you wear glasses?
Yes, ever since I was 4 or something. I am like some blind pig now hahaha.

Who was your regular-person crush?
Donnnnn't have.

How many tattoos did you have?
Not a single one.

How many piercings did you have?

What car did you drive?
I don't have a driving license, don't have any car. So what do you think?

What was your worst fear?
2 years ago...I can't remember.

Had you smoked a cigarette?
Nope, smoking is bad.

You been arrested?
For what.

Had your heartbroken?


How old are you?
14, duh.

Where do you work?
I have no job and no reason to be even looking for one! :D

Where do you go to school?
Nan Hua Hiiiiigh School.

Where do you live?
Singapura, sunny island ~

Where do you hang out?
Recently... I cannot remember. Home, Jurong Point, IMM, Sentosa, Vivo and all other random places hahaha.

Do you wear glasses?
Uh huh.

What is your hairstyle?
Uh in school, 2 neat and pretty french braids yay! Uh anyway it's a little below my shoulder, ends above my bra if I put it in front anyway. Hahaha. :x

Who are your best friends?

Still talk to any of your old friends?
Old friends, like primary school friends? A few, if they bother talking to me first. I'm anti-social just like that.

Who is your current interest?

How many piercings?

How many tattoos?
Not any.

What kind of car do you have?
No carrrrrrrrrrr.

What is your biggest fear?
The supernatural, thus the dark.

Have you been arrested since if so how many times total?
Not once. How many times have I told you that I had been awesome and the police love me too much to even arrest me for anything.

Has your heart been broken?
Not a single time. :D

Taken! ♥


1. Who is in the room with you?
My eldest sister.

2. Who is the last person to text you?
Rachel Ng, asking me what colour fbts I'll be wearing on Monday and telling me that I have to bring my PE tee for CEP, or something like that. SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO BOTHERED TO TELL ME. H8 U AMANDA AND PK! )':

3. Whose house did you last go to?
My grandmama's!

4. Who was the last person you told you love them?

5. What was the last thing you ate?
Nasi Lemak for breakfast HAHA.

6. What was the last thing you did?
Drinking a sip of tea and showing 'disgusted' on my face after that. MUMMY, WHAT TEA IS THAT? I DON'T LIKE IT.

7. What color pants are you wearing?

8. What is the closest item near you that is blue?
My shorts...

9. What are you wearing on your feet?

10. What instant messaging service do you use?
Windows Live Messanger.

11. What is your favorite website?
MY BLOG. Hahahaha uh I have no idea. No particular favourite website I think?

12. What is your favorite pair of shoes?
I don't like to wear shoes.

13. What do you wear more, jeans or shorts?
Shorts. I hate wearing jeans!

14. What is the last movie watched?
The House Bunny with my elder sister on her laptop haha.

15. What do you currently hear right now?
Oh, this just reminded me. I have yet to open up my iTunes! Anyway, it's the CPU currently.


16. When is your birthday?

17.When did you last go to the mall?
2 days ago. Going to the same mall this evening.

18. When did you last buy a new pair of pants?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I think it was on 16 November. Just 2 days before CPot. Shucks that's so long ago!! But I just placed an order on a pair of shorts from F21 anyway, hope it doesn't go OOS like how my F21 items always does.

19. When did you last take a shower?

20. Where is your favorite place to be?
Actually it's home. I like being at home. :)

21. Where is your phone?
Right beside me.

22. Where is your mom?
Either at the first or second floor. Think she should be on her bed taking a nap now.

23. Where do you sleep?
On. My. Bed.

24. Where do you shop the most?
I don't know. Everywhere.

25. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
I'm currently wearing the green Samsung tee. I only know the school gave it to us. O:

26. Where in your house are you?
In the study room.

27. Where was your default picture taken?
Default picture...which one? MSN? Let me check................ Google? Then I editted it, following some colouring tut on LJ.

28. Why did you fall in love with the one you love or have loved?
Because.............. there's no reason why!

29. Why does, basically, half the world have friendster?
Because they have no life.

30. Why did you pick your user name?
I havvvvvvve no more Friendster.

31. Why did you pick your background?
I repeat, I have no Friendster.


1. Where will you be in a hour?
Still at home.

2. Who will be your next kiss?

3. Is there something purple within 10 feet of you?
Not any.

4. Are you wearing socks right now?
Nay. I hate wearing sox!

5. When was the last time you cried ?
Yesterday. I am a cryyyybaby!

6. Have you been to the movies in the last 3 days?

7. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Had to drink? The last thing I drank was warm water anyway.

8. What are you wearing right now?
The Samsung tee and a pair of blue shorts?

9. What was your last purchase?
Hmm. Nail polish from Face Shop. :)

10. What's the last thing you wrote down?
Details on the form given out by the teachers on the very first day of school. Hehehe together with Eveline in the PA room! What's up with the random questions at the back manzzz.

11. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
I cannnnnot remember.

12. Did you check to see Beyonce fall at her concert?
I don't check that website and I didn't even know Beyonce fell at her concert. IT'S NO BIG DEAL, JAY DID TOO.

13. Have you ever owned a fish tank?
Yes. Currently still 2, one with only a fish inside and the other empty.

14. What's the last time you watched a hockey game?
It must have been a really long time ago!

15. What is in your pocket right now?
My pockets are empty now. Don't like putting stuff in my pocket.

16. If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you be?
Uhhhhhm. I'll like to stay in SG because most of the places on Earth are having winter now and it's really cold!! If you ask me this question about half a month later I'll scream,"JAPAN!!!"

17. One thing you hate about yourself?
My looks hahahaha so fugly pl0x.

18. What's your favorite soup?
The ones I drink at home. Hahaha I don't have any favourite soup. Or rather, I have too many soups that I love to have one as my favourite. :p

19. Do you miss anyone?

20. What do you want right now?
I want lots of stuff. :D Shall wish for the same as Eisabess, everything!

Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is Monday. Monday means school. ):
I took out my earstick for a night because of my infection and my earhole closed slightly and I can't put anything through now and there's a lump of thing inside... I'm freaking out!!! I really don't want to repierce, it hurts like shit! ):