Saturday, January 3, 2009

From Sammy!

Be recognized for saving 500 people's lives or be voted the no. 1 sexiest person in your country?
Saving 500 people's lives! Because I'll never be sexy.

Have an alarm clock that wakes you by slowly making your bed ice cold or an alarm clock that
wakes you by shaking your bed violently?
Have an alarm clock that wakes me up by wakes me up by shaking my bed violently because if it's cold, I'll just grab a jacket/blanket and continue sleeping.

Run into a wall or fall down the stairs?
Run into a wall hahaha I've rolled down the stairs before hahahaha at home so thank god nobody saw it and it wasn't that bad, I think? I just had a bruise or two.

Be a pirate or be a ninja?

Be the no. 1 entertainer for 4 years or be president of the U.S?
Definitely the former.

Walk on the ocean floor or jump to the moon with moonboots?
Jump to the moon with moonboots. Cause I think it's cooler!

Be a superhero or be a super villan?
Super villian. Muahahahahaha! Being a superhero, you'll have to keep up that image. But when the super villian turns over a new leaf, everyone will love her, right! :p

Be really creative or be really intelligent?

Be able to fly or be able to turn invisible?
Turn invisble whoo!

Be super famous on YouTube or win 1 thousand dollars?
A thousand dollars, duh.

Have cookies and milk or juice and crackers?
Cookies and milk!!

Go without watching TV for 2 weeks or without a computer for 2 weeks?
Without TV for 2 weeks. I don't watch much TV anyway.

Have a million friends that secretly hate you or have 1 best friend?
1 best friend. Anyway if they hate you, they're not your friends. HOW CLICHE, FINE.

Live in hot weather for the rest of your life or cold weather for the rest of your life?
Hot weather. I am already accustomed to it, somehow.

Take over the Playboy Mansion when Hugh Heffner dies or Win the Lottery?
Win the lottery! $$$$$$$$$$ is better.

Be a good singer or be a good dancer?
Good singer.

Be a famous singer or be a famous actor/actress?
Famous actress!!

Sleep with a celebrity of your choice or not have to work for 5 years?
Not have to work for 5 years!

Win 5 million dollars or find true love?
Win 5 million $! Because I already found my true love. ♥

Live in a house on the water or live in a castle?
Live in a castle! Though it's a tad scary with all those ghost stories... :/ Okay wait, I change my mind. Live in a house on the water would be better, although there would be floods and all but at least I'll get seafood to eat everyday! Awesome!

Be Johnny Depp's girlfriend or have Johnny Depp's salary?
Salary, for sure.

Be the same age forever or live to 100?
Wait till I'm out of school and I'll say be at the same age.

Become famous for having a meltdown on YouTube or never become famous?
Never become famous. Why do people want to be famous on YouTube?!

Have lived in the 8th century or be born in the year 3000? (If the world still exists then)
Lived in the 8th century. I'm sure life would had been much simpler then.

Be a mad scientist or a private invertigator?
Mad scientish hahahahahaha sdd!

Have rain for a year non-stop or have nothing but suns for a year non-stop?
Sunnnnnnnnnnnnn! :D

Kill your own meal (meat) or become a vegetarian?
This is a tough question. :/ Become a vegetarian I guess...

Get stuck in an elevator for 34 hours or gain 15 pounds?
Get stuck in an elevator for 34 hours.

Be too hot with all your clothes off or too cold with a winter coat on?
Too hot with all your clothes off. It sucks to be feeling cold.

Be allergic to your favorite food or never find true love?
Allergic to my favourite food. *pouts*

Be a dinosaur or be a penguin?
Penguin. Cus dinosaurs are already extinct.

Be trapped in a haunted house alone or alone on a desterted island?

Have love but no money or have money but no love?
)))))))))): Have love lor...

Do Elmo workout videos or be obese?
Do Elmo workout videos.

Live in Paris as a bum for a year or live in Kansas and be rich?
Live in Paris as a bum for a year. I have no idea how Kansas is like.

Get hit by a car going 8 miles per hour or fall down 2 flights of steps?
Fall down 2 flights of steps. Okay, I don't know!! Neither, pleaaaase?

Give up alcohol or give up your favorite food?
Give up alcohol. I hate alcohol.

Skip Christmas for a year or skip your birthday for a year?
Skip Christmas for a year. :)

Own a MAC or own a PC?
Own a PC.

Never use MySpace again or never use Facebook again?
I don't use any so...yea.

Only eat chicken for the rest of your life or only eat beef for the rest of your life?
Only eat chiiiiicken! I don't like beef very much anyway and chicken is my favourite food!!

Date the wrong people until you meet the right one or stay single til you meet the right one?
Stay single.

Have muscular abs or have muscular arms?
Muscular abs. :) Muscular arms make you look damn fat.

Go to federal prison for 3 months or go through 4 years of high school all over again?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. As much as I hate school, I'll rather not have a bad record.

Have a bird that curses or a dog that humps things?
Have a bird that curses. o.o Same as Sammy hahaha, help us curse people we don't like HAHA so mean!

Be rich and lose it all or never become rich?
Never lose it all. It's less painful.