Saturday, January 10, 2009

From Janice!

Name: Lihui!
Shoe size: Around 37/38 I guess?
Height: The last time measured, I was 154.5cm hahaha I'm happy with this height, really!
Where do you live: Singapore
Favourite drink: Water

-Have you ever-
Been on a plane: Yesssss duh! Last time was about 2 weeks ago!!
Fallen asleep at school: Yes.....
Broken someone’s heart: I hope not!
Fell off a chair: NO. NO. NO. I AM NOT LIKE HUINENG.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Nope. Not so gay.
Saved emails: Yes. Those containing transactions and stuff like that.
Had chickenpox: Yes. I even spread it to my uncle. :x
Had sore throat: Who. Has. Never. Gotten. Sore. Throat?
Broken your nose: No hehehehe.
Believed in love at first sight: No but I know someone does HAHAHA.
Liked picnics: The last picnic I ever elder sister ended up having the bicycle topple on her head. -..- And she bled and bled and bled WHILE WEARING MY SCHOOL SHOES(yea you know what happened to my shoes -..-) and had her head wrapped for Idk how long. Retard.
What is your room like: My in my bedroom? Just like any other bedroom, except neater. Haha!
Last thing you ate: The wanton mee at hawker centre haha!
Last person you danced with: WITH RUIXUAN HAHA YMCA!!!
Last person who made you smile: ^^ (L)
You last yelled at: Kangwei because he pushed me against the car! Mega toidi!

-Today did you-
Talk to someone you like? Yay yes!
Kiss anyone: Yay yes!
Get sick: Yay no!
Miss someone: No yay but yes!
Eat: Yay yes!

Is there a person who is on your mind now? Mmhmm.
Do you have any siblings? 2 elder sisters.
Do you want children? Yes yes! 3 please. :D
Do you smile often? I THINK SO HAHAHA.
Do you like your handwriting? Not at all. ):
Are your toenails painted? Nooooooo. ): I miss the holidays I miss going out with my nails painted. I know, I can paint my toenails now but what for! Nobody's gonna see them when I hide them in those shoes anyway. My toes need to see the world man! LOL OR MAYBE I CAN WEAR CROCS.
Whose bed other than yours would your rather sleep in? My parents'!! Super comfy. :D
What colour shirt are you wearing now? Black, Infocomm tee.
What are you doing at 7 pm yesterday? Uhm. I think I was at Clementi with Zhengda haha.
What’s the best feeling in the world? Happiness! :D
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Nope. They'll wake up in the middle of the night and dance on me...
What’s under your bed? MONSTERS!!!!!!!!
Who do you really hate? Hmm..............................................................
What time is it now? 1724
Are you a friendly person? Duh. Hahaha. Okay actually maybe not. I can be very anti-social at times! :p
Do you have pets? DOES ONE PATHETIC FISH COUNT?!?!
Where’s the person you have feelings for right now? At home haha probably sleeping!
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you? Yes very important to me! (L)
Who was the last person to hold my hand? Hahahahahahaha super obvious answer!
Do you sleep with the TV on? Yes because Mediacorp shows bore me so much and also because the couch is so comfortable...
Have you ever crawled through a window? No.
Are you too forgiving? I think not...hahahaha too bad too sad aw don't cry.
Are you closer to your mother or your father? Mummy!
Who was the last person you cried in front of? Zhengda hahaha.
How many people can you say you really loved? Only 1 if it's those loveydovey love. ^^
Do you still have pictures of you and your ex? Don't have any exxxxx muahaha.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? Yes, so many times.
If you’re having a bad day, who will you most likely go to? Depends on which mega toidi made my day bad!!
Are you loud or quiet most of the time? Loud, too loud sometimes. :x
Are you confident? Depends on the issue...? But if it's regarding MEGA MAC, I am!!! HAHAHA.