Monday, April 6, 2009

Eunice the awesome girl I steal quizzes from.

1. Are you a chinese or english freako?

2. If time is going to stop; what will you possibly do for that time?
.......................................................... Hope time will continue.

3. Prefer a playpool or playground?
What is a playpool? Like swimming pool kind?? I'll choose playground. PROVIDED IT HAS SWINGSSSSSS.

4. Do you usually gossip about others; or get gossiped?
I have no idea if I'm getting gossiped but I am a gossip monger teeheehee ok la not something I should be proud of but I gossip a lot!!!!!!!!! Often about the same few actually.

5. Do you like simple or complicated stuffs?

6. Do you tackle numbers better; or alphabets?
Definitely not numbers. NEVERRRRR.

7. What makes you pissed off?
Irritating people. People who are not punctual. PEOPLE PISS ME OFF EASILY. Oh, Maths pisses me off big time.

8. How's your childhood?
.......wlao I have nearly no childhood according to I think Amanda/PK?? Cus I have never ever eaten Happy Meal nor Kinder Joy before. EH SOMEONE BUY FOR ME LEH. HURRY!!

9. Do you have inspiration without perspiration?
?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?! I have lots of inspiration when I am lying on my bed hahahaha. I know a lot of composers get their inspiration when sitting on the toilet bowl.

10. Do you think 24 hours is too long, short or just okay?
I think it's just nice. :))))))

11. Would you judge people by their appearance?
Yes. I always do. Sorry if you look like a fat bitch. :)

12. What is attractive in your eyes?
Ooooooooh. Yummy food. Teeheehee. Pretty pretty girls with long, thick and silky hair~. Guys don't appeal to me as much as girls do. HAHA. I LOVE looking at pretty girls. I don't really like to look at good-looking guys. Hmm, most hot pink stuff are attractive. LISA IS ATTRACTIVE, though she currently lacks the long and thick hair. Hmmmmmmmmm, Hello Kitty is attractive hehe so cute!! Aiya can't be bothered to think aleady.

13. Do you like the day or night, explain why
DAY. DAY. DAY. I hate it when it turns dark. Cus we'll need to switch on the lights = WASTE ELECTRICITY. ): And plus, it's during the night things start to get a little scary. O: O: O:

14. Do you treasure stuffs that you own, or you have insatiable desires?
Both. Sometimes more to one side though.

15. If your computer just hanged up; with a long long document not being saved; how will you react?
Long long document containing what. If it contains school work, I will whine and whine and whine till the birds fly in a V shape. Then binge. Then attempt to recall whatever my brain had thought of and retype all, remembering to save every 5 seconds.

16. Do you believe in miracles?
No. Never seem to happen to me. Idk why.

17. Do you often tend to forget about the past; or trying hard to do so? What are you trying to forget?
I tend to forget about the past I think. I have a very bad memory. I am trying to forget something but ugh everytime I feel :), * has to appear near me, making it really hard for me to forget, much less forgive!!!!!!!!!!! :@

18. In your mind, why colours are out here?

19. Have you ever pity those who are real pitiful; and shed tears for them; etc?
Ya. When I watch those charity shows on C8, I cry.

20. Describe yourself as in attitude
?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Idk how to answer this.

21. Do you suddenly lose the grasp of hope to survive as yet?
No. Not yet. There're so many wonderful things out there!! Don't coop yourself in that dark little hole where all your unhappiness is, RUN AWAY FROM THERE AND SEAL THE HOLE UP. Then poke a small little hole and use a torchlight to shine it, get rid of the darkness!! :D One chunk of rubbish. Lol. Idk where my brain got all that from.

22. Give 3 advantages when you get to live
2. YOU GET TO FEEEEEEL. There're so many awesome feelings out there. Happiness, love, satisfaction and a lot more! :D
3. You get to do quizzes like this.

23. What is your ambition in life?
I don't have any. Sorry, not forward-looking, unlike SG's government. "Anticipate change and stay relevant."

24. Do you believe in horoscope etc?
A bit??? If I do read them. For about a minute or so. Cus I forget them after that.

25. Describe music in your life
Boring. Hahahaha. JAY CHOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

26. Which country you would like to go.

27. What do you think blogging is about?
Typing chunks of stuff when you're bored, hoping someone would read them and reply to them.

28. What kind of style are you trying to get hold off?

29. When you fail a test.
"Oh." What kind of reaction am I supposed to have??? But if it's a Geography prepared for The Crying Lihui!!!!!