Sunday, April 26, 2009

100 truths!

001. Real name → Ng Li Hui
002. Nickname(s) → Pineapple/Lihua/Leehweeeeee
003. Age → 14 going on 15. Sigh, I'm growing up too quickly haha!
004. Horoscope → Virgo the 'perfectionist'
005. Male or female → Female.
006. Primary School → Rulang Primary School. It's very colourful compared to Nanhua. -..-
007. Secondary School → Nan Hua High School.
008. Poly or Jc → JC! Don't really want to go Poly.
009. University → Hope I can make it!!
010. Hair color → Blackkk.
011. Long or short → I HAVE LONG HAIR. LONG LONG HAIR. :D
012. Loud or Quiet → Loud. Heheh. :x
013. Sweats or Jeans → NEITHER.
014. Phone or Camera → Hmm, phone? Cus phones have cameras now! Though my phone's one sucks a lot.
015. Health Freak → How can you ever call someone who indulges in fried, oily and instant food all the day a health freak?
016. Drink or Smoke? → Neither! ^^ Am a healthy and law-abiding citizen.
017. Do you have a crush on someone? → Nopez.
018. Eat or Drink → Would love to have both at the same time teehee.
019. Piercings → A PAIR! IT'S A PAIR, NOT ONE ANYMORE!!!! :D
020. Tattoos → None. At the moment.
021. Social Or Anti-Social → Woah, this depends largely on my mood! Used to be more social last time though. Now I get annoyed pretty easily.
022. First Piercing → 19 December 2008. Hahaha it's an important day so I remember it well! :p
023. First Relationship → When I was 13 haha so early. :x
024. First Best Friend → .............cannot remember leh.
025. First Award → HAHA I cannot remember. I won too many awards when I was young. Then after that, NO MORE ALREADY.
026. First Kiss → Given away already hahaha.
027. First Pet → Bet it was a bloody fish. -..-
028. First Big Vacation → Going to Malaysia...does it count? Hahaha if not, I think it's China.
029. First Love At First Sight → SHEESH. This is just rubbish lor.
030. First Hug → I think my parents haha.
049. Eating → Nope, waiting for lunch..surprisingly, am not hungry yet cus I had a hearty breakfast! did it just from 30 to 49!?!?! Wlao that person trying to cheat sia, cannot think of 100 questions then use this kind of method.
050. Drinking → Just took a sip of water!
051. About To → Continue watching Gossip Girl from cus Megavideo is a bitch. *rolls eyes*
052. Excitement Level → Currently, it's pretty low. Like lowwwww.
053. Listening to → My sister watching K.O. Sanguo. That show sucks la! K.O. One and X-Family were sooo much better!
054. Plans for today → Do my AMath and revise!!! UGH NO SOURCE OF MOTIVATION!!
055. Waiting for → Gossip Girl to finish loading.
056. Energy Level → Currently, it's low.
057. Thinking Of Someone → Yup.
058. Want Kids? → YEA! 3! 2 male 1 female heehee. :D
059. Want to get married? → Duhhh.
060. Careers in mind → Don't have! I have absolutely no plans for the future, sigh.
068. Lips or eyes → Hmm, eyes!
069. Romantic or Funny → FUNNY AND ROMANTIC!!!! I'm so greedy.
070. Shorter or taller? → Taller.
071. Protective or Caring → PROTECTIVE AND CARING! Haha greedy x2!
072. Romantic or spontaneous → ROMANTIC AND SPONTANEOUS. Greedy x3!
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → Idk lol neither?? So nice for wut.
074. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive...?
075. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship duhz.
076. Trouble maker or hesitant → Hesistant.
080. Lost glasses/contacts → Hahaha no I'm a blind cat w/o my spectacles, how to lose them?!
081. Ran away from home → Hahaha if I do, I will die on the streets.
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense → No...
083. Killed somebody → I wouldn't be doing this quiz now if I did.
084. Broken someone's heart → Maybe??? Haha I don't know!
085. Been Arrested → No.
086. Cried when someone died → Does crying over TV shows count? If not, no.
087. Miss Someone Alotalot → Ya. And a lot is 2 words.
089. Yourself → ????????????????
090. Miracles → Are bullshit.
091. Love at First Sight → Yet another bullshit.
092. Heaven → Haha uh...sorta?
094. Tooth Fairy → I don't believe!!!! I put my tooth under my pillow once and the next morning I woke up, STILL THERE. Hmpf!
095. Kiss on the first date → Nay.
096. Are you afraid of anything → Wtf I'm afraid of SO MANY things. Lazy to list them haha.
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now →What do you think?? :p
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life → Uhhhhhhh quite?? Am easily contented HA.
099. Do you believe in God → No.
100. Pst as 100 truths and tag 10 people.