Tuesday, January 13, 2009

From Kaiying!

Last year (2008) have you..

1. Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships?
Nay haha I am very faithful. ^^
2. Have you had your birthday?
... I wasn't born in the leap year so yessss.
3. Cried yet?
4. Pulled an all nighter?
Don't think so. I fall asleep very very easily haha I am a pig!!
5. Drank Starbucks?
6. Went shopping?
7. Been camping?
Yes. Leadership camp!! I miss it quite a lot now and I miss how my legs looked like after the camp..
8. Been to the beach?
Yep! Sentosa with my favourite Infocomm and uh...with class at the end of the year.
9. Bought something for over $200?
Macbook.. that's all I think.
10. Met someone new?
Yep I did! Made quite a number of new friends. :D
11. Out of province?
Like, go overseas? Yea! But only once.
12. Gone Snowboarding?
No! I never would want to see real snow in my whole life. Would curse and swear at how cold it was before I actually go snowboarding lol. Eh, wait! I have seen real snow before..in New Zealand. It was only about 10m away from the main road and another tour group was there taking photos with the snow that had fallen down from the mountain. I swear it was sooo windy and cold outside.

Have you ever..

1. Hugged someone?
2. Slept in someone elses bed?
Yes! My sister's, hmm Aloha Loyang bed lol.
3. Snuck someone over?
4. Snuck out of your own house?
Don't have to. o.o
5. Lied?
Yessss. Tell who, who has never lied in their whole life? Stupid saints.
6. Gone over your cell phone bill?
Not exactly.
7. Been called a bitch?
Does calling myself a bitch count? Hahaha anyway I think so! Kangwei/Zhengda!!!!!! But I am super bitchy so yay yay! :D Who cares about faking a front and being all niceywisey in front of people?
8. Drove somewhere?
I don't think I'll enjoy underage driving.
9. Done something you regret?
Too many to count..but let's look forward positively!! :)


Last thing you bought?
Double cheeseburger, large fries and chocolate sundae. That was a snack.. :x
Last person that called you?
My eldest sister. But it was a missed call.
Last time you took a shower?
About 2 hours ago I think. Or 1.5hours. Ah I don't stare at the clock the whole day, can't recall.
When was the last time you felt stupid?
This is such a sensitive question to ask!!!!!!!!! Hmm I felt stupid while walking back from the hairdresser cus I tripped over branches twice. -..-
Who did you last yell at?
Most probably Rachel HAHA we always scream at each other.
What did you do today?
I did lots of things today! You can try asking me what I was doing at a more specific time next time. :)