Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Omg Shindong's hair. No, no, no please.

Shall use this blog for fangirl-related stuffz! Don't wanna flood my blog hohohohoho. I am immensely in love with this blogskin... Who knew default blogskins could be of such beauty!

The longest survey you would ever fill out! Do the world a favour: Fill it out and post it for all your friends. Do this because the person who posted it didn't sit here for ages for nothing. Answer all the questions honest - no lying.

Starting Time: 1211 hours

Name: Li Hui!
Sisters: 2 sistersss
Brothers: None
Shoe size: I think 37/38?
What are you wearing: Lol OC tee and my primary school shorts.
Favorite Number: 13 and 27. More towards 13 nowadays anyway
Favorite Drink: Shucks I think I have a lot. Uhhhhm, tea! Chinese tea, milk tea, green tea whatever!
Favorite Month: November. Cus it's the awesome holidays! Not December cus it means they're ending soon andddddd school's starting. School's starting in 2 days anyway zz.
Favorite Breakfast: Omelette. I just had one! With spring onion and cheese & hotdogs in the middle yum yum!

Have You Ever...

Broken a bone?
Yea my left elbow when I was in P1. Lollll.

Been on a boat?
Uh huh. Just around 10 days ago or so, during my holiday. Sat on a one to tour Milford Sound. :)

Came close to dying?
I don't think so. Unless you consider me crossing the road and a motorcycle just zoomed past the red light and missed me by a bit.

Swam in the ocean?

Fallen asleep in school?

Broken someone's heart?
I hope not. O:

Cried when someone died?
When my grandma passed away, I was still damn young and didn't exactly know what was going on so no... but my elder sister cried like shit.

Fell off your chair?

Sat by the phone?
The phone is right beside the computer. o.o

Saved emails?
Yea. Those of my transactions with blogshop owners.

Been cheated on?
I hope not!! Hahahaa.

Cheated on someone?
Obviously not.

Cheated on a test?
Yes... :x

What is..

Your room like:
Uh...quite empty? My sisters and I hardly even step in unless it's time to sleep!

Whats right beside you?
Printer, phone, the wall.

What is the last thing you ate?
My breakfast, full of cheesy egg goodness. :)

Chicken pox?
Yea, had them. When I was about 5 I think. Spread it to my uncle. :x

Sore throat?
Duh uh.

The one you get when you run or the kind you get when you have a deep cut(something like that)? Had the former one before but not the latter.

Broken nose?
Thank god, no.

Do You..

Like picnics?
Not exactly. Picnics = sandwiches= bread with yucky fillings. I hate bread. I hate bread with yucky fillings. I hate sandwiches. But if you're talking about picnics with junkfood, what's there not to love! And the sun, totally awesome, isn't it?

Like School?
No cus school means studying and I absolutely abhor studying.


Who was the last person you danced with?
LolllL DOES DANCING TO TELL ME COUNT? Ok I shall delude myself and say, Heechul.

Who was the last person who made you smile?
Zhengda. :))))))))))


Did you last yell at: I can't remember... probably my elder sister for being such a bitch.

Do you like yourself: Most of the time.

Final Questions.

What are you listening to right now?
SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! - Kinki Kids

Hated someone in your family?
Sometimes I really detest my elder sister but uh I'm too much of an angel to hate someone.

What car do you wish to have?
No car.

Can you sing?
Evvvveryone can sing. Just whether it's nice or not. And obviously I'll classify myself under the ones who can't sing well.

Diamond or pearl?
Diamonds. Though I think pearls are classier.

Indoors or outdoors:
Outdoors! I love the sun!

Today did you..

1. Talk to someone you like?
No! Because he hasn't even woken up yet.

2. Who?

3. Get sick?
No, I'm as strong as a fiddle!

4. Sing?
O: Not exactly.

5. Talked to an ex:
No exes.

6. Miss someone:

Last person who..

7. Was in your bed besides you:
My elder sister. She invaded.

8. Talked to on the phone?
... I cannot remember.

9. Made you cry:

10. Went to the movies?
I can't even remember when was the last time I went to a freaking cinema to watch a movie!!

11. You went to the mall with?
Zhengda! :)

12. Been to Europe?
Not me. ): Hmm I know my eldest sister's friend went to Europe this holiday in the airbus!!!!!

13. Been to Asia?
I am in Asia. o.o

14. Been to Russia:
15. Been to the Bahamas:
18. Been to Mexico:
19. Been to Canada:
I have no idea.

20. Been to U.S.:
My elder sister, in June.


21. Do you like someone at the moment:
Like, no. Love, yesssss. ♥

22. What books are you reading right now?
TTW lol how long have I been hogging onto his book. :/

23. Best feeling in the world?
Happiness. What else?

24. Future kids names?
Haven't thought of that yet. See how first!

25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Not now but used to!

Time finished: 1233