Friday, December 26, 2008

2 quizzes for a start! :)

I am redoing quizzes I have previously done on my Xanga site. So yes, now my Xanga site is obsolete. Three cheers for Blogger!!

1. Do you have secrets?
Yes I do have many many secrets... I think.

2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you?
I think not it feels like...falling in love with a gigolo?!?! I don't know hahahaa never fallen in love with anyone younger than me before.

3. Do you enjoy going to school?
Yes I do enjoy going to school to catch up with my friends and eat the canteen food but hell no to the studying homework teachers. Speaking of this...I have yet to get my dad to sign my report book. :/

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
BUY THAT HOUSE IN BUKIT TIMAH NOW. IMMEDIATELY. And splurge on food and clothes. Donate a teenyweenyitsybitsybit to charity and save up all the rest woohoo just imagine how much the interest would be hohoho!

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
Although my best friend has a very manly voice, NO THANX I AM NOT A LESBIAN.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Loving someone who loves you back. OMG MY ANSWER IS SO CLICHE. But I think loving someone cus now I think it's irritating having someone love you (and bug you zz).

7. List out your 15 favourite songs.
Asking me this song when I have yet to catch up with the music world. ):

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
o.o Continue liking the person till I have no more feelings for him?! I mean, what the hell can I do? Throw his girlfriend down the roof of a 40 storey high building and lead a happily ever after life with the guy?! Lol wtheow.

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?

10. What takes you down the fastest?
Light. Er, I have no idea.

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
I hate this kind of questions. I have no goal in life and I am merely wriggling through it.

12. Who is currently the most important people to you?

13. What kind of a person do you think the person who tagged you is?
I tagged myself for this quiz lol I think I am just like an angel.

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Single and rich. Then marry.

15. What is your favourite colour?
*points upwards*

16. Would you give all in a relationship?
I...don't know? I think so...

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
I won't fall in love with 2 people simultaneously. At least not now. So I guess I'll probably skip this question since I don't know how to answer it either.

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
Obviously not. *inserts me rolling my eye*

19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
Having a relationship... :)

20. 5 people i have tagged.
1. Santa Claus
2. Cai Shen
3. Easter Bunny
4. Qu Yuan
5. Wayne Rooney


I carry my cell phone almost always.
I like to shop.
I slept out last night.
I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
I hope it's sunny tomorrow.
I know what day of the week it is.
I checked to see what day of the week it was.
I'm watching a movie.
I used to be smarter.
I prefer laptops to desktops.
I like fruit juice.
I can handle my liquor.
I watch cartoons in the morning.
I utilize the ice cream truck.
I never liked dolls.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
I'd like to go to a concert soon.
I had a bagel for breakfast this morning.
I've been forced to do something at gunpoint.
I like Superpretzels.
I've seen The Curse of the Black Pearl already.
I didn't like the movie's ending.
I'm thirsty.
I hate the smell of lowtide.
I have a lot of cousins.
I have the best dreams.
I am currently sore.
I tan easily.
I'm going to sleep soon.
I don't care about celebrities and their lives.
I read the magazines anyway.
I have a Neopets account.
I love the summer.
Bolding surveys are my favorite.
I own at least one sports bra.
I could never be a vegetarian, ever.
I'll be old enough to vote in the elections this year.
I prefer a tanning salon over natural sunlight.
My school ends for the summer in June.
I believe that a woman's virginity is a valuable thing.
I can't walk up a flight of stairs without being a little winded.
I don't understand how some people could fail English class.
I am so tired of hearing about 'Juno' and how amazing that movie is.
I can fit into a size two or smaller.
I can eat anything I want without gaining a single pound.
I don't understand why some people freak out when two people of the same gender kiss.
I wish they offered a language other than Spanish or French at my school.
I've called somebody a bad name before and meant it.
Somebody has called me a bad name before and meant it.
I never have plans for the weekend.
Preps are not as bad as some people make them out to be.
I've looked at somebody and thought, "I'd never want to be them."
Mondays aren't THAT bad.
It bothers me when people claim to be "afraid" of falling in love.
I think bruises are cool.
I hate when people try to talk to me when I have headphones on.
I have at least one fake designer purse.
If you're always worried about what could happen, you're never going to have fun.
I'm in my school's band.
I play an instrument but I'm not in the school band.
It never snows where I live.
I hate when girls freak out when their boyfriend even looks at another girl.
I love wearing low cut shirts.
I could never be a tomboy.
I'm at an age where I should be out of high school already.
The college I'm going to/want to go to is out of state.
I just want to move out of my parents' house as soon as possible.
I've been in a relationship now for over five months.
I'd never want to live somewhere where it is always hot.
I think anorexic people look unattractive with their protruding bones and stick thin legs and arms.
I mean, I could afford to lose five pounds, but I'm not going to starve myself to do it.
I trip over my own two feet.
I want to be a model.
I want to be an actress.
I want to be a famous singer.
I don't see the point in wishing on 11:11.
Scene kids, please stop.
I don't have any school spirit at all.
I hate coming home to a house with no food.
I absolutely loathe waking up early.
My foot usually finds small, sharp, pain inducing items.
I've broken something that did not belong to me before.
I hate gym class!
I feel bad for people in wheel chairs.

I have a class ring.
I plan on going to my high school reunion.
I'm scared to go to the doctors because I'm paranoid they'll give me really bad news.
I work in a restaurant or cafe.
I got a job because my parents made me.
Please, like I have a job.
I have terrible balance.
I attend parties and school related activities just for the high school experience.
I live with both my parents.
It seems like there are more divorced people than married people.
I have a nightly routine that I must follow.
I live near a body of water.
I have jumped or would jump into a freezing body of water in the dead of winter just to support a charity.
My parents have at least one bumper sticker on their car.
My family has more than one vehicle.
I hate public transportation.
I've been to San Antonio before.
I've seen the Alamo up close and personal.
I can barely speak English; I can't imagine being able to speak another language fluently.
President Bush *beep* up for everybody.
I hate the world and everybody living in it.
People disgust me.
Everything on me has to match before I go out in public.
I don't understand girls who put make up on even though they're not going to be leaving their house.
I can't run for a long period of time.
My parents won't let me bring food up to my room.
I eat in my room all the time.
I'm one of those girls that kiss my boyfriend before every class.
I don't need a man to make me happy.
That may be true, but I sure do love the man in my life right now!
I prefer to eat out than cook something at home
I take a vitamin supplement.
I've never been to New York.
I'm a vegetarian.
I get mostly A's and B's on my report card.
I'm taking Home Ec.
People tell me all the time that I'm photogenic. (Uhm...Mandy does.)
I'm born in the month of April.
My astrological sign is Cancer.
I don't even believe in astrology.
I have been to Canada at least twice.
If I lost my lipgloss, I'd probably die.
Why are people so down about Barney? He helps little kids learn.
When I draw people they usually look like stick figures.
Kelly Clarkson gets on my nerves.
I have an iPod.
I listen to the classic rock station on the radio.
I have a crush on someone who's two years older than me.
I'll eat anything you give me.
I'm a picky eater.
I'm actually more of a cat person.
I prefer Lays to Pringles.
On school days I wake up around 6:00 AM.
I love Trix cereal.
I still buy happy meals.
My toenails are painted right now.
I've skimmed through the encyclopedia for no reason before.
The floor of the room I'm in right now is wooden.
I'm in the French Club.
My school doesn't even have a French Club.
I enjoy gardening.
I don't have a single favorite song.
I have a computer in my room.
I'm chewing gum right now.
I had a taco for lunch.
I can't play a musical instrument.
I sometimes wish I had a British accent.
I don't like crepes.
Music is my boyfriend.
I like to listen to rap.
No, actually, rap is crap without the 'c'
I've heard of The Spinto Band.
I love The Spinto Band's music.
I play basketball.
I play field hockey.
I'm a cheerleader.
I have, like, 17048710284 inside jokes with my friends.
I have some type of phobia.
I still have Barbie dolls/action figures from when I was a little kid.
I'd rather shave my legs with a nail file than actually ask my crush to a dance.. they can ask me.
Yahoo is my email provider.
I can't resist buying Tabloids.
I hate the phrase "your mom", but even so, I say it all the time.
I have a job.
I get payed less than minimum wage.
When I first meet people, I usually hate them right off the bat, but then later I think they're okay.
I reallllly love metallics.
Math is probably my favorite subject.
My reading level is above what the average kid my age's is.
I'm 14 years old.
I don't understand why guys think that if they act perverted you'll like them.
I have personally met the person who's site I got this survey from.
No, I will not vote for Pedro.
I'm really mad now because the movie Napoleon Dynamite ROCKS.
I laugh at kids who try to dress gangster.
They seriously need to bring Boy Meets World back on the air.
People tend to label me, but I don't really care.
People do label me, and it makes me mad.
I don't think I even have a label.
I don't have my driver's license or permit.
I love movie theatre popcorn.
I'm not a Harry Potter fan.
I never notice people's eyes color, unless they point it out to me.
I spend waaaaaaaaay too much time on the computer.
My middle name starts with 'D'.
I don't have a best friend.
Fall Out Boy was AWESOME before, but now that they got on MTV, they've sort of lost their awesomeness.
MTV makes me mad sometimes.
But the Andy Milonokis Show rocks.
I hate the little kids in my neighborhood.
I have to take pills for depression.
I like bolding surveys.
This particular survey SUCKED.