Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's damn hard sourcing for quizzes!! And Eisabess haven't been doing them recently so I go to her archives, randomly click on a date and search for quizzes! O: Time consuming, yes, but this is how I'm gonna spend the last day of 2008 lol. Together with Forensic Heroes 2. :D

1 . What is your full name?
NG LI HUI!!!!!!!
2. Are you single?
3 . What is your favourite number?
4 . What is your favourite colour?
HOT PINK!!!! How can anyone not know.
5. Least favourite colour?
YELLOW. Ew!!! I remember distinctly that I screamed at my sister and tried my best to disuade her to get that bee colour top from Idk what shop in Vivo just last month or something. But I failed though.
6 . What are you thinking of now?
Which episodes of Forensic Heroes 2 I have watched with my sister so that I can skip them.
7.Are you happy with your life right now
Yea, why not!
8. What is your favourite subject in school?
Uh.............................................................................................. Does PE count?
9. Do you shop at malls?
10. Where do you wish to be right now?
I don't know. Home is good, except that it's really humid.
11. What should you be doing now?
Watching Forensic Heroes 2 instead. HAHA kidding. I should be sorting out the books for school. :x
12 . Do you have any crush on anyone?
No hahaha why would I!
13. When was the last time you bought a clothing item?
I can't remember. Definitely before 24 December though. :/
14 . What was the last thing you drank?
Carrot juice! With wolfberries, pumpkin and what not. It's good, pretty sweet!
15 .Do you hate liars? Do you hate backstabbers?
Who doesn't? *rolls eyes*
16 . Can you make yourself sneeze?
Yes I can! Surprisingly, it's the same as my sister's.
17 . Do you fall for ppl easily?
I think not. o.o
18 . What does your last text msg read?
Hehehe sekret.
19 . Are you too forgiving?
I don't know. But I do forgive but I don't forget, too bad.
20 . How many windows are open on your computer ?
1 window 4 tabs. Amazing me. :D Hahahaha cause I'm doing nothing but watching FH 2.
21 . Who was your last call from?
My elder sister
22 . What do you do with most of your time?
Watch shows hahaha. Either that or sleeping.
23 . Will you & your ex get back together again?
Got no exxxxx.
24. Do you sleep with the tv on?
Yes I always fall asleep with the tv on. Either the tv shows are really boring, or my couch is really comfortable.
25 . Which of your close friends live the closest?
26 . Which item could you not live without during the day?
27 . Would you share a drink with a stranger?
Not exactly..
28 . How was your weekend?
Weekend.. I cannot remember what I did.
29 . Do you believe ex(s) can be friends?
30 . The last person you quarrelled with?
I can't remember.
31. The way to win your heart?
Uhhhhm Idk.
32 . What did you do last night?
Sleep, what else?
33 . Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?
34 . Are you looking for a boyf/girlf?
I have one! ^^
35 . One song that is meaningful to you?
小情歌 :)
36 . Do you twirl or scoop your spaghetti?
37 . Do your drink milk straight from the carton?
No, never tried that before!
38 . How long is your hair?

SHORT. ):<
39. Do you like batman?
Not exactly...
40. Who was the last person who told you that they love you?
My baby!! :D
41 : When was the last time you sang out loud?
I don't know.
42 . What did you have for breakfast?
Chocolate croissant, yummm!
43. Is your birthday on a holiday?
Yea, every single year, without fail. -..-
44 . Can you cook?
Duh. :))))))))))
45 . Where did you get the shirt your are wearing?
I'm wearing the shitcoloured Infocomm tee!!! I got it from...IDA?
46 . What was the reasons for the last troubles you were in?
I don't remember my last trouble.
47 . Which do you wear more? Sweats or jeans?
Jeans, though I hardly wear it anyway.
48. When is your birthday?
49 . Do you swear alot?
Not at all. :)
50 . What was your first alcoholic drink?
I don't know, but whatever, they're sooo bitter!
51 . Do you have any regrets?
I think so. But I prefer living my life without regrets! :)
52 . Who would you like to see now?
Uhhhhhm all my close friends and my boyfriend! And Jay Chou hehehe okay I know that's out of the question.
53 . Have the cops ever come to your house?
Thank god, no!
54 . Are you a social or anti-social person?
Social when I'm with my close friends and anti-social when I'm alone. So yea, if you want to be my friend, come look for me when I'm with my close friends alright! :) Don't come when I'm alone, I'll probably roll my eye and walk off. HAHA KIDDING, I'm nice. :D
55 . Who are your best friends?
Winnie Chang! (I think <- looks like Winnie Changi)
56 . Ever been in love?
57 . Ever had braces?
Nay, though I am supposed to have them. -..-
58. What do you wear to bed?
Depends on which lucky top/bottom I pick from the wardrobe lol.
59 . Who was the last person who disappointed you?
Uhhhhm. I cannot remember. Shitzo now I have a bad memory, like Amanda! But I'm better off not remembering this kind of stuff anyway! :)
60 . Do you trust ppl?
I am not a loner so I do trust people.
61 . Who was the first person you talked to today?
My mummy?
62. Who was the first person who text you today ?
63 . What was the first thing you did today ?
Flip open my eyes.


1. The phone rings. Are you quick to answer or do you ignore?
Ignore. I don't like answering phonecalls. :/

2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
I return my cart, duh. :) But I don't exactly shop at grocery stores very often anyway.

3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
Uhhhhhhhm, it depends on the crowd I guess.

4. Do you take compliments well?
I don't know! But I think not.

5. Are you an active person?
Not at all, sadly.

6. Are you a parent?
14 year old me as a parent? Lol no thanks.

7. Do you like to ride horses?
No very bumpy! And they keep peeing...

8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
Am I still a kid now? If yes, yes!!

9. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?
I have no religious beliefs or whatnot so...ya.

10. Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
Be pursued, duh. Which girl doesn't enjoy that!

11. Have you ever had a stalker?

12. If you had to choose, would you rather be deaf or blind.
Neither... but I think be deaf cus the world is so beautiful I want to see it!

13. How often do you read books?
Not very often. Only when I need to churn out stupid book reviews I think, though now I take shortcuts by searching for random book reviews online. Oops! But if I come across a book that interests me, I can spend my whole day reading it.

14. Do you think more about the past, present or future?
Present. I think.

15. Where were you born?
KK Hospital lol.

16. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
Photo booth...?

17. What are your keys on your key chain for?
I don't carry keys with me.

18. Where was the furthest place you traveled today?
Home. -..-

19. Where is your current pain at?
Nowhere! :D

20. Do you like mustard?
Not exactly. ):

21. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
Sleep. I feel less sinful that way hoho. And plus, sleeping burn xx calories an hour! I think it's 60, can't remember.

22. Do you look like your mom or dad?
Uhhhhhm I don't know but most people say I look like my dad. o.o

23. How long does it take you in the shower?
I haven't timed myself before. O:

24. Can you do splits?
Never in my life.

25. What movie do you want to see right now?
The Curious case of Benjamin Button!!

26. Do you own a camera phone?
Yesssss. Which era did this quiz come from?

27. What are you drinking?

28. Was your mom a cheerleader?
No... O:

29. What do you buy at the movies?
Idk, depends? Popcorn, pepsi and uh sometimes nachos?

30. Do you wear your seatbelt?
Not at all.

31. How many meals do you eat a day?
Depends on how much food I am being offered. :D Currently trying to cut down to only 3 meals per day, no more no less.

I started on these 2 quizzes at about 4pm and ended this at nearly 7pm. Sigh, the power of FH2!! Alrighty, time for dinner! :)